Friday, January 20, 2012

Watercolor Painting

One of my boys favorite activities is to paint and I prefer watercolor paints because they don't make nearly as much of a mess. Last night we all sat down together to paint. As a parent you probably notice the difference between giving the kids an activity to do and actually sitting down with them to take part in the activity. Last night I had everything prepped (including dinner) so that when they boys came home I had nothing to worry about but sitting down and enjoying time with the boys. I bought some special watercolor paint books which are great because the paper is thicker than normal paper and so the water doesn't tear holes in the paper. We had a great time painting and talking about school. Atakan is convinced he needs a PSP because someone in his class has one and I was having a hard time expressing to him that 3 1/2 is a little young for a PSP. Seriously people??? Why would you buy that for a kid?? At any rate, I guess I'll just continue to tell him that he might be able to get one in 2nd grade or so. Today he asked me, "How many more days until I can get a PSP?" My response, "Not days, Atakan, more like 4 years!" Wish me luck!

(This is an old picture of us painting from last year...but we still have the same paints even after using them 3 times a month at least in the last year!)

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