Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Spaghetti Art Followed by Spaghetti Dinner

Hello everyone! Well, we started out tonight with our plan to "Keep My Boys Busy" and it was a theme night. I got this idea from Education.com. Before I picked up the kids from school I prepped by cooking about 1/4 package of spaghetti, then drained and let it dry on paper towels. I also got out some colored construction paper, pens, and glue and glue sticks out ready on the table.

When we got home the fun began. I demonstrated first by drawing a large square and a smaller square inside. Then used the glue and stuck spaghetti to my picture. They thought it was pretty hilarious to be playing with their spaghetti.

The boys started by drawing pictures on their papers, well, Ilkan (my 5 year old) at least. After he drew I used the regular glue to go over his picture so he could start sticking on the spaghetti. Atakan (3 1/2) in the mean time was having some problems so I just gave him the glue stick, less messy:)), and let him have at it. I then started separating the spaghetti since it was getting sticky so the kids could work with it. They each created 2 pictures....Ilkan's snake is posted here for you to get an idea.

While we were creating our masterpieces I was boiling some fresh new spaghetti for our dinner. By the time we finished working it was all ready to eat and so were the kids. We then started having fun seeing who could slurp their spaghetti the best. Maybe not the best lesson in table manners but it was fun none the less!

In all, this activity, dinner included, probably took us 45 minutes. The good part was that the TV was off and we all had fun!

If you try this for yourself, let us know how it went for you and if you did anything different that worked:))

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